Fairies Dreams & Fantasy Art Gallery

Nurse Riding Opossum In the Garden


Have you ever imagined you were riding an opossum? You've came to the right part of this poster. This nurse is riding on a back of a beautiful opossum, and she is giving her rides. She is also chasing the another nurse who isn't vaccinated, but she's vaccinated. This mock chase is staged,--indicating why you should be vaccinated. This chase also resembles efforts to help stop the spank, and end domestic violence at homes. This beautiful nurse at the right of this image flies as fast as she can. Well, she's a fairy, but she doesn't have any wings, but she has a tail. Although; this opossum is also a nurse. However; she isn't an ordinary opossum in nature!

This green field resembles a garden where cyclists roll by. However; these cyclists are far from them . They're NOT visible, but They're taking it slow, but this garden is large enough to fit a large farm.

Despite both of these nurses vaccinated, they continued to work like usual, and they've also encourage everyone to be vaccinated, and never use religion, personal belief, or culture to circumvent requirements to be vaccinated. However; this opossum has taken her shots, before she was handled by these nurses who strategically developed this ride-on opossum for years. They usually take turns riding this large opossum. However; the other nurse who is a fairy is too large to ride an opossum like this.

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alt="Lady Riding Purple Poodle With Nurse In the Garden"> Nurse Riding Opossum In the Garden